#!/bin/bash # Colors RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' BLUE='\033[1;34m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color # Ask for and set the hostname echo -e "${BLUE}Enter the hostname:${NC}" read -r new_hostname # Detect the network interface network_interface=$(nmcli -t -f DEVICE connection show --active | head -n 1) # Ask for and set the IP address echo -e "${BLUE}Enter the IP address (eg.: 10.11.x.x/24):${NC}" read -r ip_address # Ask for and set the DNS server default_dns1="" default_dns2="" echo -e "${BLUE}Enter the DNS server (default: $default_dns1, $default_dns2):${NC}" read -r dns_server dns_server=${dns_server:-"$default_dns1 $default_dns2"} # Ask if Btrfs compression should be enabled if [[ $(df -T / | awk 'NR==2 {print $2}') == "btrfs" ]]; then echo -e "${BLUE}Do you want to enable Btrfs compression? (y/n):${NC}" read -r enable_compression fi if [[ "$enable_compression" == "y" || "$enable_compression" == "Y" ]]; then # Ask for the use case echo -e "${BLUE} the use case:${NC}" echo "1. Databases, File Storage, etc (recommended compression level: 15)" echo "2. Real-time compression (recommended compression level: 3)" echo "3. Custom compression level" read -r use_case # Set the recommended compression level based on the use case case "$use_case" in 1) compression_level=15 ;; 2) compression_level=3 ;; 3) echo -e "${BLUE}Enter the custom compression level (1-15):${NC}" read -r compression_level ;; *) echo -e "${RED}Invalid use case. Exiting script.${NC}"; exit 1 ;; esac fi # Ask if CheckMK Agent should be installed echo -e "${BLUE}Do you want to install the CheckMK Agent? (y/n):${NC}" read -r install_checkmk_agent # Ask if ports and services should be opened echo -e "${BLUE}Do you want to open any ports or services? (y/n):${NC}" read -r open_ports_services if [[ "$open_ports_services" == "y" || "$open_ports_services" == "Y" ]]; then # Ask for and set the services to open echo -e "${BLUE}Enter the services to open (comma-separated):${NC}" read -r services # Ask for and set the ports to open echo -e "${BLUE}Enter the ports to open (comma-separated):${NC}" read -r ports fi # Apply Changes echo -e "${BLUE}Are you sure you want to apply the changes? This may cause a loss of SSH connection. (y/n):${NC}" read -r answer # Check the user's response if [[ "$answer" == "y" || "$answer" == "Y" ]]; then # Comment out the script execution line in .bashrc sed -i '/~\/firstrun\.sh/s/^/#/' ~/.bashrc hostnamectl set-hostname "$new_hostname" nmcli device modify "$network_interface" ipv4.dns "$dns_server" > /dev/null nmcli device modify "$network_interface" ipv6.method ignore > /dev/null nmcli device modify "$network_interface" ipv4.addresses "$ip_address" ipv4.method manual > /dev/null # Modify /etc/hosts file ip_address=$(echo "$ip_address" | sed 's/.\{3\}$//') if grep "$ip_address" /etc/hosts > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "IP address already exists in /etc/hosts" else # Add IP address and hostname after the " localhost" entry sed -i '1a\'"$ip_address\t$new_hostname" /etc/hosts if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "IP address and hostname added to /etc/hosts" else echo "Failed to add IP address and hostname to /etc/hosts" fi fi # Modify Btrfs compression settings in /etc/fstab if [[ "$enable_compression" == "y" || "$enable_compression" == "Y" ]]; then if ! grep -q "compress=zstd" /etc/fstab; then sed -i "/btrfs/s/defaults/defaults,compress=zstd:$compression_level/" /etc/fstab else sed -i "/btrfs/s/compress=zstd:[0-9]*/compress=zstd:$compression_level/" /etc/fstab fi else if grep -q "compress=zstd" /etc/fstab; then sed -i "/btrfs/s/,compress=zstd:[0-9]*//" /etc/fstab fi fi if [[ "$install_checkmk_agent" == "y" || "$install_checkmk_agent" == "Y" ]]; then # Run the CheckMK Agent installation script bash Scripts/install_checkmk_agent.sh fi if [[ "$open_ports_services" == "y" || "$open_ports_services" == "Y" ]]; then # Open the specified services IFS=',' read -ra service_array <<< "$services" for service in "${service_array[@]}"; do firewall-cmd --add-service="$service" --permanent > /dev/null done # Open the specified ports IFS=',' read -ra port_array <<< "$ports" for port in "${port_array[@]}"; do firewall-cmd --add-port="$port"/tcp --permanent > /dev/null done firewall-cmd --reload > /dev/null 2>&1 fi # Open port 6556/tcp for CheckMK Agent if it was installed if [[ "$install_checkmk_agent" == "y" || "$install_checkmk_agent" == "Y" ]]; then firewall-cmd --add-port=6556/tcp --permanent > /dev/null 2>&1 firewall-cmd --reload > /dev/null 2>&1 else firewall-cmd --remove-port=6556/tcp --permanent > /dev/null 2>&1 firewall-cmd --reload > /dev/null 2>&1 fi echo -e "${GREEN}Changes applied successfully.${NC}" else echo -e "${RED}Changes not applied. Exiting script.${NC}" exit 0 fi