from PySide2.QtWidgets import QWidget, QPushButton, QListWidget, QApplication, QListWidgetItem, QMessageBox, QLabel, QVBoxLayout from PySide2.QtGui import QGuiApplication, QIcon, QFont from getKernelInfo import KernelVerList, KernelURL import sys,os,time #!!! If you run it as Sudo it will install you the Kernel #! Base # TODO: Fix InstallationWindow wired behavior. # TODO: Implement resizable Windows # TODO: Clean the code. # TODO: Fix KernelVer sorting # TODO: First Release 1.0 # TODO: Aur Package #! Features # TODO: Being able to se what is currently installed. # TODO: Being able to choose download destination? # TODO: Add Linux Headers, as optional download. # TODO: Asking for Sudo #! Unrealistic Features # TODO: Seeing Terminal output in a Window # TODO: Installing multiple Kernels # TODO: Installing Custom Kernel ## Creating the MainWindow class Window(QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setWindowTitle("KernelChan") self.setFixedSize(600,600) self.setIcon() setList(self,25,20) Button.setButton(self,"Install",400,540,self.installKernel) Button.setButton(self,"Exit",490,540,self.exitApp) aList.itemSelectionChanged.connect(selected) def center(self): qRect = self.frameGeometry() centerPoint = QGuiApplication.primaryScreen().availableGeometry().center() qRect.moveCenter(centerPoint) self.move(qRect.topLeft()) def setIcon(self): appIcon = QIcon('icon.png') self.setWindowIcon(appIcon) def installKernel(self): self.install = InstallProcess() self.install.Installation() self.install.hide() ## Application Quit Popup def exitApp(self): askUser = QMessageBox.question(self, "Quit", "Are you Sure?", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if askUser == QMessageBox.Yes: App.quit() elif askUser == QMessageBox.No: pass ## Making an Button class Button(QPushButton): def setButton(self, name, x, y,function): button = QPushButton(name,self) button.move(x,y) button.clicked.connect(function) class InstallProcess(QWidget): def __init__(self, *args): QWidget.__init__(self, *args) self.setWindowTitle("Kernel Installation") self.setFixedSize(400,120) # create objects self.te = QLabel() # puts the Terminal output into InstallWindow pic = 'Installing.png' self.te.setPixmap(pic) # layout self.layout = QVBoxLayout(self) self.layout.addWidget(self.te) self.setLayout(self.layout) def Installation(self): #! It works os.system("wget "+ URL + " -P ~/ && pacman -U "+ URL + " --noconfirm") os.system("echo it works!") print("done") def center(self): qRect = self.frameGeometry() centerPoint = QGuiApplication.primaryScreen().availableGeometry().center() qRect.moveCenter(centerPoint) self.move(qRect.topLeft()) def setList(self,x,y): global aList aList = QListWidget(self) aList.resize(550,500) aList.move(x,y) font = QFont() font.setPixelSize(16) aList.setFont(font) for i in KernelVerList: item = QListWidgetItem() item.setText(str(i)) aList.addItem(item) def selected(): global TheSelect, URL TheSelect = str([item.text() for item in aList.selectedItems()]) TheSelect = TheSelect.strip("'['']'") URL = [name for name in KernelURL if TheSelect in name] URL = '+'.join(URL).strip("'['']'").split("+", 1)[0] print(URL) def main(): global App,window App = QApplication(sys.argv) window = Window() App.exec_() sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main()