import pygame import sys import random import re from pygame.math import Vector2 # TODO: Implement menu for Retry and Quit class SNAKE: def __init__(self): self.body = [Vector2(5, 10), Vector2(4, 10), Vector2(3, 10)] self.direction = Vector2(0, 0) self.new_block = False # Textures self.head_up = pygame.image.load( 'Texture/head.png').convert_alpha() self.head_down = pygame.image.load( 'Texture/headD.png').convert_alpha() self.head_left = pygame.image.load( 'Texture/headL.png').convert_alpha() self.head_right = pygame.image.load( 'Texture/headR.png').convert_alpha() self.tail_up = pygame.image.load( 'Texture/tailU.png').convert_alpha() self.tail_down = pygame.image.load( 'Texture/tailD.png').convert_alpha() self.tail_left = pygame.image.load( 'Texture/tailL.png').convert_alpha() self.tail_right = pygame.image.load( 'Texture/tailR.png').convert_alpha() self.bend_right = pygame.image.load( 'Texture/bendR.png').convert_alpha() # right self.bend_left = pygame.image.load( 'Texture/bendL.png').convert_alpha() # right self.bend_up = pygame.image.load( 'Texture/bendU.png').convert_alpha() # dont show up self.bend_down = pygame.image.load( 'Texture/bendD.png').convert_alpha() # right self.body_vertical = pygame.image.load( 'Texture/body.png').convert_alpha() self.body_horizontal = pygame.image.load( 'Texture/bodyH.png').convert_alpha() self.crunch_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound( 'Audio/crunch.wav') def draw_snake(self): self.update_head_graphics() self.update_tail_graphics() for index, block in enumerate(self.body): # 1. Rect for the position x_pos = int(block.x * cell_size) y_pos = int(block.y * cell_size) block_rect = pygame.Rect(x_pos, y_pos, cell_size, cell_size) # Head lokks in what position if index == 0: display.blit(self.head, block_rect) elif index == len(self.body) - 1: display.blit(self.tail, block_rect) else: previous_block = self.body[index + 1] - block next_block = self.body[index - 1] - block if previous_block.x == next_block.x: display.blit(self.body_vertical, block_rect) elif previous_block.y == next_block.y: display.blit(self.body_horizontal, block_rect) else: if previous_block.x == 1 and next_block.y == -1 or previous_block.y == -1 and next_block.x == 1: display.blit(self.bend_right, block_rect) if previous_block.x == -1 and next_block.y == 1 or previous_block.y == 1 and next_block.x == -1: display.blit(self.bend_left, block_rect) if previous_block.x == -1 and next_block.y == -1 or previous_block.y == -1 and next_block.x == -1: display.blit(self.bend_up, block_rect) if previous_block.x == 1 and next_block.y == 1 or previous_block.y == 1 and next_block.x == 1: display.blit(self.bend_down, block_rect) def update_head_graphics(self): head_relation = self.body[1] - self.body[0] if head_relation == Vector2(1, 0): self.head = self.head_left elif head_relation == Vector2(-1, 0): self.head = self.head_right elif head_relation == Vector2(0, 1): self.head = self.head_up elif head_relation == Vector2(0, -1): self.head = self.head_down # for block in self.body: # # create rectangle and draw it # x_pos = int(block.x*cell_size) # y_pos = int(block.y*cell_size) # block_rect = pygame.Rect(x_pos, y_pos, cell_size, cell_size) # pygame.draw.rect(display, (137, 255, 130), block_rect) def update_tail_graphics(self): tail_relation = self.body[-2] - self.body[-1] if tail_relation == Vector2(1, 0): self.tail = self.tail_right elif tail_relation == Vector2(-1, 0): self.tail = self.tail_left elif tail_relation == Vector2(0, 1): self.tail = self.tail_down elif tail_relation == Vector2(0, -1): self.tail = self.tail_up def move_snake(self): if self.new_block == True: body_copy = self.body[:] body_copy.insert(0, body_copy[0] + self.direction) self.body = body_copy[:] self.new_block = False else: body_copy = self.body[:-1] body_copy.insert(0, body_copy[0] + self.direction) self.body = body_copy[:] def add_block(self): self.new_block = True def play_crunch_sound(self): def reset(self): self.body = [Vector2(5, 10), Vector2(4, 10), Vector2(3, 10)] self.direction = Vector2(0, 0) class FRUIT: def __init__(self): self.randomize() def draw_fruit(self): # draw a rectangle fruit_rect = pygame.Rect( int(self.pos.x) * cell_size, int(self.pos.y)*cell_size, cell_size, cell_size) # pygame.draw.rect(display, (255, 7, 7), fruit_rect) draw rectangle display.blit(cherry, fruit_rect) # Draws Grpahics def randomize(self): self.x = random.randint(0, cell_number-1) self.y = random.randint(0, cell_number-1) # Create a Vector with 2 Options self.pos = Vector2(self.x, self.y) class MAIN: def __init__(self): self.snake = SNAKE() self.fruit = FRUIT() def update(self): self.snake.move_snake() self.collision() self.check_fail() def draw_elements(self): self.draw_grass() self.fruit.draw_fruit() self.snake.draw_snake() self.draw_score() def collision(self): if self.fruit.pos == self.snake.body[0]: # New Fruit # Make Snake longer self.fruit.randomize() self.snake.add_block() self.snake.play_crunch_sound() for block in self.snake.body[1:]: if block == self.fruit.pos: self.fruit.randomize() def check_fail(self): # Is snake outsie of the screen? # Check if snake hit himself if not 0 <= self.snake.body[0].x < cell_number or not 0 <= self.snake.body[0].y < cell_number: self.game_over() for block in self.snake.body[1:]: if block == self.snake.body[0]: self.game_over() def draw_grass(self): grass_color = (97, 180, 8) for row in range(cell_number): if row % 2 == 0: for col in range(cell_number): if col % 2 == 0: grass_rect = pygame.Rect( col * cell_size, row * cell_size, cell_size, cell_size) pygame.draw.rect(display, grass_color, grass_rect) else: for col in range(cell_number): if col % 2 != 0: grass_rect = pygame.Rect( col * cell_size, row * cell_size, cell_size, cell_size) pygame.draw.rect(display, grass_color, grass_rect) def draw_score(self): with open('highscore.txt', mode='r+', encoding='UTF-8', errors='strict')as file: global score_text score_text = str(len(self.snake.body) - 3) score_surface = game_font.render(score_text, True, (54, 74, 12)) score_x = int(cell_size * cell_number - 60) score_y = int(cell_size*cell_number - 40) score_rect = score_surface.get_rect(center=(score_x, score_y)) cherry_rect = cherry.get_rect( midright=(score_rect.left, score_rect.centery)) bg_rect = pygame.Rect(cherry_rect.left-6,, cherry_rect.width + 6 + score_rect.width + 6, cherry_rect.height+12) pygame.draw.rect(display, (167, 209, 61), bg_rect) display.blit(score_surface, score_rect) display.blit(cherry, cherry_rect) pygame.draw.rect(display, (54, 74, 12), bg_rect, 2) # Highscore hscore_text = "highscore: " + str(file.readlines()).strip("'[]'") hscore_surface = game_font.render(hscore_text, True, (34, 54, 12)) hscore_x = int(cell_size * cell_number-cell_number*cell_size + 40) hscore_y = int(cell_number*cell_size-cell_number*cell_size + 60) hscore_rect = hscore_surface.get_rect( center=(hscore_x + 75, hscore_y)) h_rect = pygame.Rect(hscore_rect.left-6,, hscore_rect.width + 12, hscore_rect.height+12) pygame.draw.rect(display, (0, 0, 0), h_rect, 2) display.blit(hscore_surface, hscore_rect) def game_over(self): save() self.snake.reset() def save(): with open('highscore.txt', mode='r') as file: data = if int(score_text) >= int(data): with open('highscore.txt', mode='r+')as file: file.write(score_text) pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100, -16, 2, 512) pygame.init() cell_size = 40 cell_number = 20 pygame.display.set_caption('Pythonistas Snake') display = pygame.display.set_mode( (cell_number * cell_size, cell_number * cell_size)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() # Set the speed of the Game cherry = pygame.image.load( 'Texture/cherry2.png').convert_alpha() game_font = pygame.font.Font( '/home/sandwich/Müll/Code/Python/Assets/Fonts/PinkChicken-Regular.ttf', 31) DISPLAY_UPDATE = pygame.USEREVENT pygame.time.set_timer(DISPLAY_UPDATE, 150) main_game = MAIN() # In this Loop are all our elements / Main loop while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit(0) if event.type == DISPLAY_UPDATE: main_game.update() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_UP: if main_game.snake.direction.y != 1: main_game.snake.direction = Vector2(0, -1) if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: if main_game.snake.direction.y != -1: main_game.snake.direction = Vector2(0, 1) if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: if main_game.snake.direction.x != 1: main_game.snake.direction = Vector2(-1, 0) if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: if main_game.snake.direction.x != -1: main_game.snake.direction = Vector2(1, 0) display.fill((98, 184, 8)) main_game.draw_elements() pygame.display.update() clock.tick(240)